Monday, September 30, 2024

A Rare, Odd Branded Lens - The AMCAM 28mm f2.8

I found this vintage AMCAM 28mm,  f2.8, multi-coated lens SN 102900 in a thrift store in Santa Fe, New Mexico on vacation for $25.  I used a Nikon-to-NX adapter by K&F Concept to mount to my Samsung NX1.

I could find nothing on the Internet about this lens, so I assume it is a 'branded' lens manufactured by a Japanese company.  I compared this lens with other vintage of 28mm focal length and the closest I can find in build/looks was a 28mm, f2.8 from Cosina .  Probably manufactured in the very early 80's.

Note: This 28mm lens has an equivalent of a 42mm focal length equivalent on the NX1's APSC crop sensor.

All photographs in this post are 'as-photographed' with all camera filters and picture effects turned off, with the exception of any black and white photo, where the camera was set to 'Monochrome'.

Conclusion after taking these initial photos:  This is a sharp lens that produces crisp photos in bright light, nicely saturated colors and warm textures.  I really like this 28mm lens.  

                             AMCAM 28mm f2.8 for Nikon mount adapted to Samsung NX1

                                           Monochrome setting. f8, 1/180-sec, ISO100 EV-1

               Open aperture at f2.8 to show background bokeh  f2.8, 1/1000-sec, ISO100, EV 0

       Extreme closeup of background in photo above, showing a pleasant soft bokeh creating an artistic image.

                  Changing Phoenix city landscape: Old and new    f8, 1/125-sec ISO100, EV0

                                   Interior, lamp light only  f5.6, ISO1600, 1/30-sec, EV0

                                              Downtown Phoenix: f8, ISO100 1/125-sec EV0

                                    f5.6, I/100-sec, ISO 100, EV0 (See 'close-up detail below)

    Close-up detail showing sharp detail - Tire serial number marking are readable for the most part.       
        You wouldn't think that is possible looking at the full photo. Impressive for a vintage lens.

                       Downtown Phoenix neighborhood home f11, 160-sec, ISO100, EV0

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