Monday, September 30, 2024

A Rare, Odd Branded Lens - The AMCAM 28mm f2.8

I found this vintage AMCAM 28mm,  f2.8, multi-coated lens SN 102900 in a thrift store in Santa Fe, New Mexico on vacation for $25.  I used a Nikon-to-NX adapter by K&F Concept to mount to my Samsung NX1.

I could find nothing on the Internet about this lens, so I assume it is a 'branded' lens manufactured by a Japanese company.  I compared this lens with other vintage of 28mm focal length and the closest I can find in build/looks was a 28mm, f2.8 from Cosina .  Probably manufactured in the very early 80's.

Note: This 28mm lens has an equivalent of a 42mm focal length equivalent on the NX1's APSC crop sensor.

All photographs in this post are 'as-photographed' with all camera filters and picture effects turned off, with the exception of any black and white photo, where the camera was set to 'Monochrome'.

Conclusion after taking these initial photos:  This is a sharp lens that produces crisp photos in bright light, nicely saturated colors and warm textures.  I really like this 28mm lens.  

                             AMCAM 28mm f2.8 for Nikon mount adapted to Samsung NX1

                                           Monochrome setting. f8, 1/180-sec, ISO100 EV-1

               Open aperture at f2.8 to show background bokeh  f2.8, 1/1000-sec, ISO100, EV 0

       Extreme closeup of background in photo above, showing a pleasant soft bokeh creating an artistic image.

                  Changing Phoenix city landscape: Old and new    f8, 1/125-sec ISO100, EV0

                                   Interior, lamp light only  f5.6, ISO1600, 1/30-sec, EV0

                                              Downtown Phoenix: f8, ISO100 1/125-sec EV0

                                    f5.6, I/100-sec, ISO 100, EV0 (See 'close-up detail below)

    Close-up detail showing sharp detail - Tire serial number marking are readable for the most part.       
        You wouldn't think that is possible looking at the full photo. Impressive for a vintage lens.

                       Downtown Phoenix neighborhood home f11, 160-sec, ISO100, EV0

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Street after dark with an adapted vintage Konica Hexanon AR 40 mm f/1.8 Lens

I chose the 70's-vintage Konica Hexanon AR 40mm F1.8 lens to undertake some nighttime street photography along Congress Street area of downtown Tucson, Arizona.  

Knowing the location and time, I was looking to chose a fast prime with the photography being at night.  

I adapted the Konica lens to the Samsung NX1, photographed most images at the full-open aperture of f1.8, in the NX1's 'Monochrome' setting.

For the images posted below, they are presented 'as-photographed' meaning no adjustments to the images with the exception that some images may have been cropped to achieve an optimized visual for artistic intent.


Photo of camera by Adam Ray

Tucson, Arizona

Database resources for this lens can be found by exploring the following links:

Konica Hexanon AR 40 mm f/1.8 Lens

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Pentax Super Takumar 50mm f1.4

I was gifted this excellent condition Pentax Super Takumar 50mm f1.4 SN3869894 manufactured by the Asahi Optical Company (Japan).  This is the 7-blade configuration, that contains a radioactive lens element.

The lens was mounted to the NX1 using a Fotsay M42 Mount Adapter.  The lens came off a Honeywell Pentax Spotmatic 35mm film camera.


The following hand-held photos are presented 'as-photographed' (JPEG's). No post adjustments and no in-camera (filter) effects settings were employed.  For the black and white photographs, the NX1 was set to 'Monochrome'.

Saturday morning walk downtown Phoenix, Arizona







Monday, March 27, 2023

Vintage Soligor 28mm F/2.8 Wide-Auto MC Lens on the Samsung NX1

I found this very good condition 1979-vintage SOLIGOR 28mm f2.8 (SN 4793243) lens at a thrift store ($8)  Paired it with my Samsung NX1 digital camera using a M42-to-NX adapter, set the camera to manual and headed-out to do some street photography downtown Phoenix about 1-hour before sunset.  All images straight from camera sensor.  All in-camera effects off and no 'post' manipulation.  

First photo I call the new look of Phoenix.  Wow! Right from the first image, this lens produces images with subtle color tones that are very pleasing to the eye. 


Settings: f11, ISO-200, EV0, 1/125s

So what's this lens's story?


Name on Lens: Soligor 28mm F/2.8 Wide-Auto MC Lens

Manufacturer: Sun Optical Co.
Mount: M42
Aperture: f2.8 - f22
Filter diameter: 58mm

Material: Metal
Focus ring: 270 degrees rotational throw, moderately firm and smooth
Aperture ring: 1/2 stops, except full stops at F2.8 and F16, F22
Serial number decode: 

First number is the Manufacturer (4 = SUN, Sun Optical Co. Ltd)

Second and third numbers are the decade and year (in this case 79 or 1979).


In the 1950s or 1960s, the company was using the English name Sun Optical Co., an independent Japanese lens maker wbased in the city of Ichikawa (in the Chiba Prefecture, at the East of Tokyo).  

The company began as Kajiro Kōgaku Kenkyūjo in 1939 selling lenses under the K.O.L name and then renamed to Gojō Kōki in 1941. 

The company ended in 1945 but was soon revived as Sun Kōki, selling lenses under the Sun name with "Sun Opt" or "Sun Optical" often appearing on lenses.  Sun made many lenses under their own name as well as producing products under contract for other companies such as Soligor.   

In the late 70's or possibly early 80's the company became 'Gotō Sun' and continued to sell lenses until some time in the late 80's when they appear to have been absorbed by Goyō Kōgaku Shōji also know as Goyo Optical.

I photograph the changing urban landscape here in Phoenix.  In the photo below, I like how this lens along with the camera produce a subtle (low contrast) shade, then transition to bright light.

Settings: f8/11, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

Straight out of camera - This Soligor lens produces an eye-pleasing texture with rich yet subtle colors.

Settings: f5.6, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

A common scene, people using the murals, architecture and the general urban landscape as a backdrop for photographs.

Settings: f8, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

New clubs, bars and restaurants to accommodate university students seasonal/event visitors and a growing urban population, shape the downtown culture

Settings: f8/11, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

Settings: f8/11, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

Alleys are an integral part of an urban landscape and a contributing factor of a city's character. For some a short-cut, others a place to take a break from the main street

Settings: f8, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

Settings: f5.6, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s
Stopped-down the aperture to the lens's minimum of f2.8. I wanted to see the len's bokeh effect on far away objects.  For the photograph below, the background bokeh is pleasantly blurred very fine.

Settings: f2.8, ISO-100, EV0, 1/1000s

New high-rise apartments rise from empty lots and economically obsolescent properties that are demolished.

Settings: f4/5.6, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

Settings: f5.6, ISO-100, EV0, 1/125s

Settings: f5.6/f8, ISO-400, EV0, 1/160s

Construction Cranes dominate the landscape as federally legislated 'Opportunity Zones' provide a tax free shelter for wealthy investors through real estate investment funds.

Settings: f16, ISO-400, EV0, 1/160s